Japanese auction system varies depending on auto auction and grade system | Japan Motor

Japanese auction system varies depending on auto auction and grade system | Japan Motor

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Grading system of auto auctions is different from each other. Please always ask for the translation for clear understanding about the vehicle you wish to buy.

Below is a guide where you will learn how to read an auction sheets:

Overall Grading:

β€’ S – Almost new branded vehicle. Registration date is no longer than 1 year, speedometer usually shows less than 10 000 km.

β€’ 6 – Identify almost new cars, where the registration date is up to 3 years. Mileage varies till 20 000 km.

β€’ 5 – Signify used car in the excellent condition. Speedometer shows up to 30 000 km. On the body may be a few small scratches also may appear the little dents.

β€’ 4.5 – Still high demandable vehicle. Mileage within 30 000-80000 km. Might have some scratches, dents, small repair works on car body.

β€’ 4 – Normal condition, which might have visible scratches, in the interior may be found tears, cigarette holes or stains.

β€’ 3.5 – Here can be found noticeable scratches, dents, rust or corrosion (rare). Inside the vehicle often appear tears, cigarette holes, stains.

β€’ 3 – Indicate cars with visible huge scratches, dents, paint stains, rust and corrosion. Interior full of tears, cigarette holes or food stains. Might have oil leaks from either engine or transmission.

β€’ 2 – Usually means lots of rust, corrosion, engine does not properly, damaged car. Generally, vehicle is in the terrible condition.

β€’ 1 – As a rule flooded vehicles.

β€’ RA – Car which has been fixed after an ordinary car crash.

β€’ R – Usually vehicle from the serious car crash. This car may be repaired but probably need more fixing. Note that this car may be Immovable.

β€’ *** (99, x, etc.) – This vehicle has been in an accident or has some serious engine trouble and was not fixed.

Interior Grading:

β€’ A – Very clean inside the car.

β€’ B – Car in good condition, the interior looks nice and tidy.

β€’ C – Inside the car might be stains or cigarette’s holes

β€’ D – Inside is very dirty, some stains, tears or even smell.

β€’ E – Interior of the car is terrible. Grade E means all mentioned above and even worse.

Next abbreviation could be found on the Auction List:

β€’ AAC – Climate Control Air Conditioner

β€’ AC – Air Conditioner

β€’ AB – Airbag

β€’ AW – Original Alloy Wheels

β€’ CA – Column Automatic Transmission

β€’ F5 – 5 Speed Manual Transmission

β€’ F6 – 6 Speed Manual Transmission

β€’ FA/AT – Automatic Transmission

β€’ LS – Leather seats

β€’ NAVI – Navigator

β€’ PS – Power Steering

β€’ PW – Power Windows

β€’ SR – Sunroof

β€’ TV – Television

Exterior signs:

β€’ A – Scratch

β€’ E – Dimple

β€’ U – Dent

β€’ W – Repair Mark

β€’ S – Place with Rust

β€’ C – Place with Corrosion

β€’ P – Paint work

β€’ H - Paint dissolved

β€’ X – Body part required to be replaced

β€’ XX – Body part has been replaced

β€’ B – Dent and scratch

β€’ Y – Crack or Hole

β€’ G – Stone chips on windshield, usually front one General definitions of Auction dictionary download a page

Examples of auction sheets

General definitions of Auction dictionary. Download