Japanese used cars are known for premium quality, low fuel consumption, technology | Japan Motor

Japanese used cars are known for premium quality, low fuel consumption, technology | Japan Motor

Contact Us




2F, Kokukoen Art Building, 22-13 Kitayurakucho, Tokorozawashi, Saitamaken, Tokyo, Japan 359-1114

Working hours: Monday - Saturday from 9am-18pm

Japan Motor, having access to all auto auctions in Japan, is an agent for the purchase of cars and the provision of export services to anywhere in the world. Through our company, you will have access to more than 50,000 lots on a daily basis, where you can find not only cars, but also motorcycles, special equipment, trucks or boats at more than 100 auctions in Japan. Our main clients and partners are located in New Zealand, Kenya, Germany, Russia, Poland, Canada and other countries.

Major Auction houses
Locations of Japanese auto auctions
Used japanese cars exported from Japan worldwide

Japan Motor is committed to customer service and offers transparent process with the aim of assisting Buyers from all over the world to get the best car. We focus on high quality export service and pursuing to build fruitful business relationships.

We offer a wide variety of Japanese cars including sedans, buses, tractors, trucks, motorbikes and car parts. Access to all auto auctions in Japan gives an opportunity to select dreamed car from the 60 000 plus vehicles every day except Sunday.

We are helping our VIP clients and dealers to grow their businesses. Our highly qualified, multinational team is always ready to provide service you deserve.

Company profile

Company name:
Japan Motor Co., Ltd.
Industry: Automotive, E-commerce
Headquarters: 2F, Kokukoen Art Building, 22-13 Kitayurakucho, Tokorozawashi, Saitamaken, Tokyo, Japan 359-1114
Services: Export of used cars, trucks, buses and parts. E- commerce
Working hours: Monday - Saturday from 9 a.m. to 18 p.m
Tel: +81-4-2930-8935
Fax: +81-4-2001-1706
Email: inquiry@japan-motor.com
Membership: Chamber of Commerce (Japan) No.0008640.
Tokyo Public Safety Commission No 308912120342

PEKEMA Member, JCT Premium member

Business Policy

Be the most trustful used car vendor

We strongly believe, that Customer satisfaction is the key to mutual success. Our goal is to become reliable partner for our esteemed clientele who purchase vehicles online from different parts of the world. We focus on delivering high quality Used Japanese Cars to our global purchaser network in collaboration with partners all over the world

To deliver secure and high-grade Japanese Used cars

Japanese cars are very famous for their premium quality, fuel efficiency and edge cutting technology pursuing security and comfort. Japanese used cars require less maintenance, low fuel consumption and long durability comparing with other makers.

Usually japanese drive cars during five years on average. Main reasons are hundreds of new models are being produced and cause of shaken (every two year car inspection law). Shaken is very costly, therefore it is easy and practical to sell used vehicle to buy new one. In spite of car 5-6 years old car still runs smoothly like new car. Japanese very rare buy used cars due to Shaken law, therefore depreciation of used units are very high and japanese used cars are cheaper comparing to other countries.

Almost 110 000 used japanese cars exported from Japan worldwide monthly. Nowadays individuals, companies use auction platform for sell-buy their vehicles. Diminishing of this gap between the Seller and Buyer made it easier with low cost to purchase used cars in Japan. Outcome is low prices of high class quality vehicles and direct buy from all auto-auctions, which our company offers to our international partners.