History of the US auto industry | Japan-Motor

History of the US auto industry | Japan-Motor

Ota yhteyttä



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History of USA car industry

Posted on 2022-04-06

History of USA car industry

There’s nothing more sweet sounding than the sound of an engine revving or the smell of a freshly vacuumed interior of a car for the majority of Americans! There has perhaps not been an invention that changed the American way of life than the 20th century automobile all thanks to Henry Ford. While the automobile existed during the 19th century it was only after Ford introduced the Assembly Line system that vehicles become easily accessible to everyday Americans.

The Assembly Line system that Ford introduced was basically a technique that is used to minimize the time required for mass production. The Ford Model T, which was the first car to be produced, started its sale in 1908. When the model stopped it’s manufacturing twenty years later, fifteen million units were sold. The assemble line system became wide spread and America’s big three – Ford, General Motors and Chrysler became leaders in the vehicle manufacturing industry.

The automobile and transport industry had a massive impact on the country’s economy. A century ago people believed the automobile can never replace horses as a mode of transport but fast forward to the 21st century, the thought of riding a horse to work will only be a joke in America. The automobile became a part of the American dream – everyone wanted it to become a reality!

The period post world war II became a crucial time for the American automobiles. While American cars were becoming bigger, heavier, more expensive and high fuel consuming, the government began to introduce more regulations. The manufacturers struggled to keep up with the safety standards and pollution emission rules. The fuel boom in the 70’s resulted in buyers turning to foreign cars, mainly Japanese since they were lighter, economical and efficient which was perfect for the prevalent times.

For a while the competition from the international market became a struggle and then the US automotive market bounced back and is currently the number two in the world in term of the market size. The US has a ban on importing most international automobiles. That’s why you will never find certain JDM vehicles in the US. This gives priority to the local brand within the country. The US has a major export market for automobiles. However you can buy American cars from Japan at auto auctions too

The introduction of the automobile had a huge impact on the American way of life. With many households investing in a vehicle it gave them a chance to travel more encouraging them to take frequent vacations. Teenagers started gaining more independence and couples found a quiet place to spend time privately. Americans started experiencing traffic jams and accidents. Over the years the US automotive industry has evolved massively. Today the automakers are embracing change and innovative technology to keep up with other foreign markets such as Japan and Germany. In Japan, we have powerful American automobiles. Some you can find in Japanese auto auctions www.japan-motor.com