Advantages and disadvantages of LHD and RHD | Japan Motor

Advantages and disadvantages of LHD and RHD | Japan Motor

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Advantages and disadvantages between left hand and right hand units

Posted on 2022-01-28

Advantages and disadvantages between left hand and right hand units

Imagine you hire a car when you travel out of the country and when you get the vehicle you realize it’s a left hand drive LHD car or vice versa? While it may only take you a few drives to get used to the system, it can definitely feel a bit odd at first if you are used to the other hand side. Not only are you seated on a different side of the car but you are also driving on the opposite side of the road that you are used to.

Nearly 75% of the world population drives on the left. The balance 35% uses right hand drive. The countries that follow RHD are mainly those that were under the British colonies, however in the Britain they have LHD but the car moves on the left hand side of the car.

When you own a vehicle it’s important to understand that there are benefits and drawbacks. Just like that both left hand drive and right hand drive cars comes with pros and cons.

Pros of LHD

  • According to research countries that have left hand driving is less prone to get in to accidents compared to those with RHD. Countries that have LHD believe that’s the correct way to drive since majority of people are right handed and it’s easy to change the gears with the right hand while the left hand stays on the steering wheel.

-LHD cars are rare since majority of the world drives RHD. You have the advantage of selling a LHD at a higher price due to its rarity. Whatever that is ‘rare’ in the automobile industry is usually more expensive!

Cons of LHD

  • If you plan to buy a Left hand Drive car, be ready to pay higher than you would for a RHD, as stated above they are ‘rare’. So your vehicle insurance will also be higher.

  • Left hand drive vehicles are considered to be more fuel-efficient compared to RHD. LHD cars tend to be less spacious and the driver has to pay extra attention when steering the vehicle.

Pros of RHD

  • It’s convenient for parallel parking
  • Getting out of the car is easier since driver can get down from the side of the pavement/ curb
  • It’s easier to reach mail boxes while you are inside the car

When you decide to import Japanese used cars make sure you select the correct side of the wheel. Japanese cars are generally designed for right hand driving so if your country drives LHD you will have to get it converted before getting it imported.

There are not major advantages or disadvantages when you compare LHD and RHD, it all depends on what you are used to driving and the type of driving that is legally accepted in the country you live in.

If you travel frequently and prefer to drive wherever you go, then getting used to both types of driving will help you adapt to the set up easily.

Japan Motor Co., Ltd will assist you in both RHD and LHD vehicles, mainly of course right hand drive cars. But for our German, Poland, USA, Canada clients we export left hand steering cars.