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How auto auctions grade the car

Posted on 2022-04-10

How auto auctions grade the car

The NAMA vehicle grading system adopted across the auto auction system to ensure that a consistent vehicle-grading standard is being followed. The purpose of this grading system if to offer benefits to all parties that are involved in the transaction. It helps identify the condition of a used vehicle by all parties involved in the transaction. The grading of used vehicles in Japanese auto auction gives the buyers the standard of the vehicle at a glance. The grading system allows the buyer to shortlist the vehicles and from there make the final decision of whether or not to bid for the vehicle.

When you are buying in Japan you will realise that under the grading system you get letters and numbers. These grades are given for the exterior and the mechanical standard of a vehicle. The two grading systems of numbers and letter are separated in this way. The overall grade of a vehicle based on the exterior and numbers generally grades mechanical condition. The interior condition of vehicles is determined by the number grading system.

Given below is how the grading system works in general.

Grade S or 7,8,9 - if you can afford a car under these grades then you are lucky! These are brand new. The mileage in this type of vehicle will only be the amount used up during delivery

Grade 6 - Very similar to the above vehicle but the mileage will be a little bit higher

Grade 5 - this will be a used car but with low mileage and in mint condition

Grade 4.5 - The mileage leads up to 100K and the car is in excellent condition

Grade 4 - this grade determines that that the vehicle is solid irrespective of the mileage. The mileage of the can car be low or high however the vehicle condition is good

Grade 3.5 - this vehicle has is similar to a grade 4 but it may require a paint and panel job. The mileage of the vehicle may be high.

Grade 3 - this vehicle may require a panel or paint job. Sometimes when a panel is replaced also the grading comes here. The mileage of the vehicle is quite high.

Grade 2 – this is a grade given to vehicles that are in poor condition. However, these are not write offs. It simply implies that the vehicle has deteriorated and it is in poor conditions. Grade 2 vehicles will usually have corrosion or something similar. Older vehicles such as classics or older heavy vehicles come under this grading system.

Grade 1 – A major alteration has been done to the vehicle. For example it could have been changed from a manual transmission to an auto transmission.

Grade 0, A. R. RA – these are vehicles that has a repair history. This means that the car has had an internal panel repaired. This could be a major or minor repair.

Vehicle grading for it’s interior and exterior condition
The vehicle is graded as A, B and C. It goes in ascending order with ‘A’ being considered the best which B, is usually deemed as average and C is mean is lower than average.

A car map is also given on the auction sheet. These maps are marked with different grading denoting severity of damage.

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